East Greenbush, N.Y. - Congresswoman Elise Stefanik co-led a letter with Representative Nick Langworthy (R-NY) to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in support of the Medicare Advantage program. 

Stefanik and Langworthy asked that the 2025 Medicare Advantage Final Rate notice accurately reflect the increases in healthcare costs to protect the program and make sure the millions of seniors in New York who rely on Medicare Advantage for access to high-quality, affordable care and supplemental benefits are adequately covered.

In the letter, the lawmakers state, “We write on behalf of over 33 million Americans and more than 2 million New Yorkers to express our support for the Medicare Advantage program and ask the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to bring stability to seniors in 2025 through a rate environment in the Calendar Year 2025 Final Rate Notice that accounts for increases in utilization and rising inflation.”

The lawmakers continue, “CMS’s projections for growth and utilization trends are inconsistent with the experience of providers, utilization patterns of beneficiaries and inflation. A survey shows that 90 percent of providers are seeing an increased demand in utilization of health services. External sources including the Congressional Budget Office and CMS’s own Office of the Actuary report higher growth estimates. It is critically important that the final rates reflect the most recent available data with respect to utilization and costs. As such, we ask that the Administration ensure that the 2025 Medicare Advantage Final Rate Notice accurately reflects increases in health care utilization and costs to give Medicare Advantage seniors the peace of mind that the high-quality, affordable care and additional benefits they rely on in Medicare Advantage will be around for years to come.” 

Read the full letter here.