The North Country is home to rural communities with vibrant local economies. Given the rural nature of the area, the need for reliable methods of transportation is in high demand. Congresswoman Stefanik has fought to deliver significant grand funding for North Country airports, bridges, ports, roads, waterways, and local sewer systems. She is a strong advocate for many North Country local businesses in the transportation parts manufacturing sector that distribute products across the United States and around the world.
Improving Rural Infrastructure
Closing the Digital Divide
Congresswoman Stefanik is a leading voice in Congress advocating for the need to boost rural access to broadband for families, students, and small businesses. She fought to ensure New York was eligible for federal support from the FCC’s Rural Digital Opportunity Fund, and recently announced the FCC awarded more than $99 million in contracts to upstate New York for the deployment of broadband in previously unserved locations across the region. She also recently cosponsored the BOOST Act to provide tax incentives to families and households who rely on hotspots and supplemental technologies in order to improve broadband connectivity and speeds.
Congresswoman Stefanik is a member of the Congressional Rural Broadband Caucus.