Washington, D.C – House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik joined Fox News to discuss Kamala Harris and Far Left Democrats' boycott of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Congressional Address and reaffirmed that House Republicans will always stand with our most precious ally Israel. 

Stefanik also highlighted her resolution to condemn Harris' role as Biden's open border czar emphasizing how every elected Democrat owns these catastrophic and failed open border policies. 


Watch the full interview here.


Find highlights from the interview below.

On the Disgraceful Democrat Party Boycotting Prime Minister Netanyahu:

“Well, this is a snub, and it is a boycott. And it is absolutely a disgrace that the sitting Vice President of the United States would not attend what I believe will be one of the most important speeches at one of the gravest national security threats that the world faces. That is the bloodiest day for the Jewish people when Hamas attacked–a terrorist group backed by Iran– attacked Israel, our most precious ally. So it is inexcusable, but, Dana, this is where the Democrat Party is today. As Bill Hemmer just said, that number is going to be over 80 Democrats who boycott this important joint address. House Republicans are committed to strongly supporting Israel. We will continue to show that moral and national security leadership on the world stage. And Prime Minister Netanyahu is making history today. This will be the head of state who has delivered the most joint addresses to the United States Congress, beating Winston Churchill. I think back to my freshman term in 2015. Prime Minister Netanyahu delivered another historic speech to Congress–it was the first one I ever attended–talking about his opposition to the flawed Iranian nuclear agreement. And you know who boycotted that? Joe Biden when he was vice president. So this is today’s Democrat Party. It’s a disgrace.” 

On Democrats Siding with Terrorists Instead of Our Precious Ally Israel:

“It’s because they are becoming the pro-terrorist wing of the Democrat Party. Again, take a step back, Dana. Israel is a growing democracy, the strongest democracy, the only democracy in the Middle East. They have respect for human rights, and they have a right to defend themselves. What I hope and I believe we will hear from Prime Minister Netanyahu is how we are going to eradicate the terrorists who slaughtered civilians in Israel, beheaded babies, burnt women, and have eight Americans who were abducted and kidnapped who are being burrowed away in tunnels among the terrorist regime in Gaza. So we, as the United States, need to strongly stand with Israel. House Republicans are committed to doing so, and President Trump was the strongest U.S. President when it comes to supporting Israel. Compare that with Kamala Harris who is refusing to attend this address.”  

On Resolution Condemning Border Czar Kamala Harris’ Role in the Open Border Crisis:

“She’s on her back foot. She’s gonna even be more on her back foot. And I think we’re at a high watermark for Kamala Harris’ polling. It’s going to go lower. She was designated by Joe Biden as the border czar, and what has happened is the most catastrophic open border in our nation’s history. The number one issue no matter what congressional district, no matter what state you  poll, is this border crisis, and Kamala Harris owns it lock, stock, and barrel. She oversaw the gravest national security threat, economic threat, the fact that 500 individuals on the terrorist watchlist crossed the border illegally during Kamala Harris’ role as border czar. She owns this border crisis, and it’s going to be a driving factor going into this election cycle. And again, Dana, as Democrats in backroom deals didn’t allow voters across this country to select their nominee, Kamala Harris has been designated by Democrat donors and Democrat elites. But the American people are smart. They know that she owns the failures of the Biden-Harris Administration whether it’s the border crisis, whether it’s the historic inflation crisis, and voters are going to hold her accountable. Compare that to the success, the most secure border in modern history under President Trump and the booming economy. So I think it will be a stark contrast and choice this election cycle this November, and President Trump is going to win on these issues.”