Washington, D.C. —  Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (NY-21) and Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) today sent a letter to Vice President Kamala Harris to express concern about her National Security Advisor, Philip Gordon, and his connections to senior Department of Defense official Ariane Tabatabai. Ms. Tabatabai was reportedly involved in an Iranian government operation to expand Iran’s influence in the United States.

“Kamala Harris’ National Security Advisor has concerningly close ties to a known Iranian agent within the Department of Defense and has brazenly published numerous pro-Iran opinion pieces exposing the depth of the Kamala Harris anti-Israel, pro-Iran agenda. Since last year, I have demanded accountability from the Department of Defense for allowing Iranian regime acolytes to infiltrate high level government staff. The Biden-Harris Administration policy of appeasing Iran and abandoning Israel will only worsen if Kamala Harris and her Iranian apologist staff are elevated. I am proud to join Senator Cotton to demand accountability,” said Congresswoman Elise Stefanik. 

In the letter, the lawmakers wrote:

“Before joining your office, Mr. Gordon co-authored at least three opinion pieces with Ms. Tabatabai blatantly promoting the Iranian regime’s perspective and interests. In a March 2020 piece, Mr. Gordon and Ms. Tabatabai claimed continued sanctions on Iran would create ‘catastrophe’ in the Middle East. In another, they wrote sanctions could lead to new Iranian efforts to ‘lash out with attacks on its neighbors, and on Americans and American interests in the Middle East.’ Each prediction was as wrong, as it was biased in favor of Tehran.”

In September 2023, Stefanik led a letter demanding Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin provide members of the House Armed Services Committee and the American people transparency into their investigation of Ms. Tabatabai’s employment.