Washington, D.C. – House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik joined Mornings With Maria on Fox Business to highlight the failures of border czar Kamala Harris and the devastating impact of Far Left Democrats’ open border policies. Stefanik also emphasized how House Republicans are ensuring only Americans vote in American elections and demanding accountability following the second assassination attempt on President Trump. 


View her full interview here. 

View highlights from her interview below: 

On Kamala Harris & Far Left Democrats’ Open Borders Crisis: 

“I agree with Governor Abbott. He has been an outspoken voice in exposing this border crisis that was caused, by the way, by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as Joe Biden's border Czar. And this new data that just came out, Maria, is incredibly revealing: that's the additional 500,000 illegals that have been sent all over the United States through the Biden-Harris mass parole program. That's on top of the, I believe 10 million, again, CBP puts out 8 million illegals who have illegally crossed our Southern and Northern Borders, and it makes every district a border district. It's not just the Southern Border states like Texas. Even in my home district, Maria, we have had skyrocketing of illegals crossing the Northern Border in the Swanton Sector, and this is leading directly to a loss of the life of Americans and a lack of safety and security in communities.”

“You talk to hardworking Americans, they know we have a border crisis. Every New Yorker, for years, they've been saying the illegals coming into New York City is a gang and violence issue as well. As President Trump said, these are not nice people. These are criminals that are pouring across our borders, and I believe it's because the Left fundamentally believes in un-American. They have un-American values, and it is destabilizing the country. If you don't have borders, you do not have a country. It is unconstitutional. It is unlawful, and as I said, it's leading directly to losses of life, whether it's Laken Riley, which of course, the American people mourn her loss, a loss that was avoidable if we didn't have these wide open border policies. Even in Upstate New York, Maria, there are two very high profile news stories. There was a 15-year-old raped in Albany, New York, by an illegal migrant who came here during Biden and Harris' terrible border policy. And then in Syracuse, on her 21st birthday, an American woman was raped and killed by an illegal and buried in a public park in Syracuse, New York. These are stories that we should never be hearing, and it's a direct result of Kamala Harris as Joe Biden's open border czar.” 

On Ensuring Only American Citizens Vote in American Elections:

“Certainly, as New Yorkers, we know that firsthand. We have had New York school children who have been removed from schools to house illegal migrants. We have had multiple instances where it's billions of dollars of taxpayer funds funding illegal migrants to provide them housing, and again, people are struggling to make ends meet. Think about the inflation crisis. Think about the economic challenges that hardworking Americans are facing. And you point out another important issue that will be on the Floor today that is the SAVE Act to ensure that illegals and noncitizens are not able to vote in U.S. elections. Every Democrat opposes that. The American people should know that. This is an 85% approved issue. People know that in this country, in order to have safe and secure and constitutional elections, only American citizens can vote. And yet the Democrat Party is so radicalized and become so political in how they dealt with their border crisis that they want to allow illegals to vote. And when they say–it is very disturbing–we're going to put this bill on the Floor and expose every Democrat for their open borders, unconstitutional radicalism that they are today.” 

On Demanding Answers From Secret Service Following Second Assassination Attempt on President Trump:

“Well, first of all, the American people deserve answers, and we deserve answers now. We have a committee that the Speaker has appointed to do an investigation. And in my conversations, you're going to start seeing information of what they found both in the Butler Pennsylvania assassination attempt as well as what just happened on the golf course at Trump Golf Course this past weekend in Florida. This should never happen in America. I know the Speaker of the House is having high level conversations with the White House to ensure that the same level of protection is given to President Trump as is given to a sitting president. We're also looking at potential legislation and accountability measures. The Secret Service needs to come clean very, very quickly, and this should never, ever happen. It is unbelievable to think that in this country, this is the second assassination attempt in a period of a few weeks on the leading candidate for President of the United States, and a former president, obviously. So he deserves a much more robust Secret Service presence that is equivalent to what the sitting president of the United states have. And Republicans intend to put some legislation on the Floor to ensure that, and the Senate ought to take that up. Chuck Schumer should not brush this under the rug.” 

“Well, you know, Maria, it takes subpoena. It takes us really using every tool we have because the instinct and whether it’s the FBI, the DOJ–I’ve gone through this on so many committees before–they try to stonewall. And the people that are really suffering are the American people who deserve answers. This is not how our government should function. We are owed that as Congress. We have oversight. We are good stewards of taxpayer dollars. And most importantly, it’s House Republicans who are going to continue to fight to make sure President Trump has the security that he needs while Democrats are spewing this vicious and violent rhetoric against him. We need to call that out as well. You have Democrat sitting Members of Congress who have said President Trump should be eliminated. That can never happen, that type of rhetoric.”