Washington, D.C. - In case you missed it, House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik joined Fox Business’s Kudlow to highlight the contrast between the successful policies of President Trump compared to the failed, anti-American policies of Kamala Harris and her administration, including her failure to secure the borders as Joe Biden’s open border czar, the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, woke DEI policies, and historic inflation. 


Watch her full interview here. 

View highlights from her interview below: 

On the Failures of the Biden-Harris Administration Compared to the Successful Trump Administration: 

“Kamala Harris owns and is one of the reasons behind Joe Biden’s catastrophic failures. In fact, she is Joe Biden’s open border czar. That means she owns the border crisis that impacts every community, every state across the country. On the issue of inflation–which is the highest rate of inflation in my lifetime impacting every family, small business, farm in this country–Kamala Harris was the deciding vote in the Senate for the Inflation Expansion Act, which is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's pinnacle of their economic policy, which has caused us not only painful inflation but trillions and trillions of debt. In addition, she was the last one in the room advising Joe Biden on the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan. Today, we just had the Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony for those 13 Gold Star families honoring those 13 service members who lost their lives. She needs to be held accountable. President Trump will hold her accountable for her failures. Compare that to the success of President Trump: historic economic growth with your help, Larry, strong national security, peace through strength, as well as the most secure border in our lifetime. So you will see strength and success under President Trump versus weakness and policy failures hurting Americans under Kamala Harris.”

On the Rotting of Federal Agencies and Higher Ed Institutions Because of DEI: 

“Well, you're exactly right, Larry. Not only is she a cultural liberal, we can look at her record. She was the most liberal senator in the United States Senate. This is a San Francisco radical, defund the police, open borders, liberal. And when it comes to propping up those offices of DEI, it's not just our higher ed institutions. Under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, DEI has been a priority for the Department of Defense that should be focused on our military lethality, peace through strength. So it is rotted out, not only higher education but it's rotted out these agencies that should be focused on American greatness, American excellence. You are right that at the root of DEI is antisemitism, and Kamala Harris has not spoken out strongly enough when it comes to combating antisemitism. She has turned her back on standing with her most precious ally Israel and has been the loudest voice calling for a ceasefire which is unilaterally forcing Israel to disarm itself, versus under President Trump, we had the historic Abraham Accords, we had peace in the Middle East, and he stood strongly with Israel.” 

On the Devastating Effects Of Kamalanomics: 

“Kamala Harris's speech should concern every American, and it does. Not only did it have socialist price fixing but her economic plan includes the largest tax increase in our nation's history to the tunes of trillions of dollars. It includes doubling down on the inflationary policies under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Compare that with the historic and successful speech that President Trump delivered at the Economic Club of New York that talked about unleashing economic growth, unleashing pro-business, pro-small business, pro-U.S. manufacturing, lowering taxes, cutting regulations. We know the recipe for success. We saw it in the first term of President Trump where we had significant wage growth and salary growth. We had the highest number of workers in our workforce, including working women, including African Americans and Hispanic Americans. Under Kamala Harris, what we've seen is salary cuts because of this inflationary impact, as well as unemployment continuing to tick up and a very, very concerning economic status around the country when you talk to small businesses or manufacturers. So this is a clear contrast. Kamala Harris represents trillions of dollars in new taxes that would devastate our economy, let alone the unrealized capital gains tax that she has proposed which would absolutely devastate all of Americans’ real estate, their 401(k)s, their IRAs. It would devastate them.” 

On the American People Knowing the Contrast Between President Trump and Vice President Harris: 

“Certainly the American people are going to be tuning in, and the more they learn about Kamala Harris, the lower her support goes. And President Trump is going to make a clear contrast between his policies of success versus her policies of failure and weakness. So the more the American people know, her numbers will continue to get lower.”
