Saratoga, N.Y. – House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik joined Sunday Morning Futures on Fox News to discuss the failed foreign policy of the Biden-Harris Administration which has abandoned our most precious ally Israel to Hamas terrorists and enabled antisemitism to run rampant in American higher education. Stefanik also highlighted how House Republicans are protecting the sanctity of the American vote by ensuring only American citizens vote in American elections.


View the full interview here. 

View highlights from the interview below. 

On Combating Antisemitism In Higher Education: 

“It’s a disgrace, and we continue to see higher education promote antisemitic leaders and antisemitism. And as we start the school year this year, we need to see moral, strong leadership from higher education and these universities to condemn antisemitism and actually enforce their own rules. We saw the first day of classes at Cornell there were vile, antisemitic graffiti on campus, and yet you still have these universities not showing leadership. This is why it’s so important legislatively that we use our oversight capacity when it comes to taxpayer dollars funding these institutions, that we rein that in and hold them accountable. We need to ensure that President Trump’s strong Title VI protections for Jewish students are enforced, and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ Department of Education have refused to do that.” 

On Standing Strong With Israel Amidst The Failed Foreign Policy Of The Biden-Harris Administration: 

“Well, first of all, my heart and the American people’s heart goes out to all of the families of hostages, particularly Hersh Goldberg-Polin’s parents who I’ve had the opportunity to meet with. I’ve met with many of the hostage families. This happened on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ watch. This is a Biden-Harris Administration that has turned their back on supporting Israel. We need to show strong support with Israel. There should be no daylight and using all of our efforts to bring home all these hostages. What did we see from Kamala Harris and Joe Biden? That they withheld critical military aid at a very important time. It is a disgrace. And you asked the question, Sean, ‘Is she fit to protect our national security interests and American citizens around the world?’ The answer is an overwhelming, ‘no.’ She is not fit to serve the role as Commander-in-chief. The fact that this is an American, an American-Israeli citizen who lost his lives on their watch, it is a disgrace, and it’s going to go down in history as one of the darkest chapters of our national security policy. Look at this past week, Sean. This was the 3-year anniversary of those 13 servicemembers in Afghanistan, now 13 Gold Star families, and you have Kamala Harris’ campaign politicizing this, not mentioning their names, not taking accountability for that catastrophic decision. She was the last person in the room advising Joe Biden, and yet they’re criticizing Donald Trump for answering ‘yes’ to the invitation from those families at Arlington. Kamala Harris is a disgrace, and we need to make sure she never becomes Commander-in-chief.” 

On Protecting Election Integrity By Ensuring Only Americans Vote In American Elections: 

“Well, certainly, the House Republicans are going to continue to push the SAVE Act. We’re in discussions with the Speaker and all of our colleagues, and Republicans support ensuring that we have legal and constitutional elections. What is telling, Sean, is that nearly every single Democrat opposed the SAVE Act. They want illegals to vote in this election. We need to make sure we have a secure election, so that absolutely will be part of the government funding discussions. It’s a principle that House Republicans will fight for along with border security. What I do want to say is Chuck Schumer has failed to put anything on the Floor when it comes to appropriations to ensure that only legal American citizens are able to vote in our elections. And he has refused to pass H.R. 2 which is the Secure the Border Act to return to President Trump’s effective policies when it comes to securing our border. Kamala Harris owns this border crisis. She's trying to wipe away her history as Joe Biden’s open border czar. She owns the economic, national security, and humanitarian open border crisis that her policies created.” 


“It undermines our whole Constitution. It undermines our system of government. People are losing faith in our elections because of how radicalized today’s Democrat Party has become: shredding our Constitution, shredding election integrity. This is why that vote was so important, and it was so revealing in terms of the vast majority of Democrats want to allow illegals to vote in our election. The Republicans are unanimous in ensuring that illegals are not able to vote in our elections.”     
