Washington, D.C. - In case you missed it, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik published an op-ed in The Saratogian highlighting her work to rename Saratoga National Historical Park to Saratoga National Battlefield Park.

Read Rep. Stefanik’s full op-ed below.

The Saratogian: Long Overdue - Renaming Our Battlefield “Saratoga National Battlefield Park” 

By Rep. Elise Stefanik

I am always proud to share with my colleagues in Congress and the American people that Upstate New York and the North Country are known as the cradle of the American Revolution, home to numerous battlefields and historic sites that were critical in shaping our nation’s founding and history. From Fort Ticonderoga, the Battle of Valcour Island, and Fort Ann to the Battle of Bennington, Sackets Harbor, and the Battles of Saratoga, my home of Upstate New York and the North Country were pivotal to America’s founding. As we approach the 250th anniversary of American independence, it is an opportune time to ensure the rich military history in our region is honored and preserved for future generations.

As Co-Chair of the Congressional Battlefield Caucus, I am proud to ensure the many battlefields and historic sites in Upstate New York, the North Country, and across the nation are maintained to preserve our rich history and ensure living classrooms for young Americans to discover our nation’s origin story on the very ground where history took place. 

In July, as part of this effort, I worked alongside local officials and stakeholders in our community and introduced bipartisan legislation to rename Saratoga National Historical Park to Saratoga National Battlefield Park. My Strengthening America’s Turning Point Act will change the name to more accurately reflect the historical significance of the site and emphasize the crucial military engagements that took place there. 

The historic site was originally named the Saratoga Battlefield Park, but when it became a national park in 1938, the word ‘battlefield’ was left out of its name. This small but significant fix to return it to its original name, a change that is unanimously supported by the Saratoga County Board of Supervisors, will help honor the Battles of Saratoga that took place at the site and clearly identify the site as America’s Turning Point in our war for independence. 

Changing the name to Saratoga National Battlefield Park will also increase public understanding of the deep significance the site holds in our military history, honoring where so many gave their last full measure of devotion and increasing the national recognition of the site’s importance in our country’s history. 

The Battles of Saratoga were the most significant turning point and one of the most decisive American battles of the American Revolution. The American defeat of British forces at Saratoga marked a changing of the tide in the Revolutionary War, securing foreign support from France and bolstering domestic support for the American patriots and their righteous cause. With America’s 250th birthday around the corner, the renaming of this crucial historic landmark is a powerful reminder of the many who lost their lives in battle to defend the creation of the Great American Experiment.

I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to pass the Strengthening America’s Turning Point Act into law and continue my work to ensure our battlefields and historic sites are preserved for generations to come.”

Click HERE to read Rep. Stefanik’s op-ed.
