Washington, D.C. — In case you missed it, House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik joined her colleagues to highlight how Far Left Democrats and the mainstream media are in complete disarray because they have been caught participating in one of the greatest coverups in American history.

Stefanik also emphasized how House Republicans are safeguarding American elections by ensuring only American citizens can vote in American elections by bringing the SAVE Act to the House Floor. Additionally, House Republicans are blocking Joe Biden's radical efforts to roll back women's rights by changing Title IX to allow biological males in women's spaces. 


Watch her full remarks here.

View a transcript of her remarks below:  

“There is no longer any doubt that Joe Biden is unfit to be our commander in chief. The Biden White House, Far Left House Democrats, and the mainstream media are in complete disarray because they know this to be true and have been caught participating in one of the greatest media coverups in American history.

For the last three and half years, House Republicans and the American people have been demanding details about Joe Biden's mental and physical decline. But every time we raised these legitimate concerns, Far Left Democrats and their loyal stenographers in the mainstream media rushed to Biden's defense, claiming that the clearly diminished Joe Biden was as sharp as ever and accusing us of peddling conspiracy theories. The coverup is over, and accountability is here.

For years, House Republicans have known that Joe Biden is unfit for office. We also know that he will go to any lengths to maintain his grip on power. This is why it is so crucial that we take every possible measure to ensure that the 2024 presidential election is free from election interference and is constitutional. As part of that ongoing effort, House Republicans are bringing to the Floor this week Congressman Chip Roy's Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act which requires individuals to provide proof of citizenship when registering to vote in federal elections. Not surprisingly, the Biden White House, whose Far Left open border agenda has let in millions–over 10 million–illegal immigrants, is against our bill. This is a very simple and logical concept rooted in the Constitution. Only American citizens should vote in American elections. 

Also this week, House Republicans are moving Mary Miller’s CRA to stop Joe Biden’s radical efforts to roll back women’s rights and change Title IX to allow biological men to access women and girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms, and sports.

Next week, we are looking forward to uniting in Milwaukee behind President Donald J. Trump's America First agenda which created the greatest economy in generations, the securest border in modern history, the lowest gas prices in years, and peace through strength around the world. With that, we’re honored to be joined by Chip Roy who is leading the SAVE Act this week on the Floor.”