WASHINGTON, D.C.- House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik released the following statement exposing news outlets ranging from The New York Times and Washington Post to The New Yorker and Associated Press for their moral depravity following the publishing of eulogies glorifying Hezbollah terrorist leader Hassan Nasrallah.

“The moral depravity of failed mainstream media outlets is on full display in their disgustingly glorifying eulogies of Hezbollah terrorist leader Hassan Nasrallah. It is beyond comprehension that outlets including the New York Times, Washington Post, The New Yorker, and Associated Press would idolize Nasrallah’s reign of terror which was responsible for the slaughter of thousands of Americans, Israelis, and innocents around the world including Muslims. His death is delayed justice for the countless families destroyed through his terror and bloodshed. The pathetic pandering of the radical Left’s stenographers in the mainstream media to these radical terrorists exposes a broken press plagued by the same antisemitic rot infiltrating other failed institutions. These reporters and their outlets should be ashamed.”

The Associated Press received so much backlash they changed their headline that was initially titled “Charismatic and shrewd: A look at longtime Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.”
The Washington Post called Nasrallah a “father figure, a moral compass and a political guide.” 
The New York Times praised Nasrallah as a “powerful orator” who maintained there should be “equality for Muslims, Jews, and Christians” despite his responsibility for the deaths of thousands of innocent lives. 
The New Yorker called the Hezbollah terrorist leader a “iconic leader” who captivated the Arab world with his “charismatic oratory” with little mention of the terror and bloodshed caused by his reign.