Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Elise Stefanik announced that she secured $1.5 million in funding for improvements to Richfield Springs Fire Station. 

“I am proud to announce that I secured $1.5 million for improvements for Richfield Springs Fire Station in this year’s appropriations process. This funding would be used to construct a new fire station as the current station is deteriorating. Replacing this essential facility is critical to public health and safety,” said Congresswoman Elise Stefanik. 

"It is with great appreciation and gratitude that The Village of Richfield Springs is the recipient of this $1.5 million dollar grant. This grant has such meaning to so many people and will positively impact people in our village and surrounding townships that are covered by our dedicated volunteers that provide us with fire and EMS protection. Currently, our station is not able to house all of our necessary equipment and therefore the fire department has to place our ladder truck in cold storage nearly a mile away from our current station. The current station is and remains in disrepair with costs surmounting,” said Richfield Springs Mayor Rick Spencer. “This funding will aid the Village to move forward in its next steps to provide a safer more energy efficient facility that will allow for our fire department/EMS to house all of the necessary apparatus in one location creating better response times, better training facilities and a safer community for all of those who may be in need. In addition this will allow our gracious volunteers to hold fundraising activities and accommodate other volunteer organizations that currently no longer have a meeting place. Some of these organizations may include but are not limited to groups such as our Lions Club, Rotary Club, Youth Sports and our beloved senior citizens. We all look forward to this project and again extend our greatest gratitude to Congresswoman Elise Stefanik for her continued support.”