Washington, D.C. — Congresswoman Elise Stefanik joined Fox & Friends to discuss how Joe Biden has weaponized the federal government against his top political opponent and House Republicans’ ongoing investigations into the Biden family’s labyrinth of LLC and their influence peddling scheme. 

Watch her full interview here.

Highlights of her interview are below: 

On the Weaponization of the Federal Government: 

“Well, first of all, the American people see this for what it is, and that is a weaponized Department of Justice that is functioning like a political arm of Joe Biden’s re-election campaign. And this is on top of the egregious abuse that we’ve seen in these federal agencies, going back to 2016 with the fake, phony Russia hoax. And think about the amount of just news coverage from the mainstream media that pushed that false narrative. And the other thing that’s important, Joey, to take into consideration, this is the same week that Hunter Biden, this was a stunning week, Hunter Biden’s, immunity agreement they tried to slip in, thank goodness this judge paid attention to every word because they were about to allow Hunter Biden to get away with numerous, federal crimes and block him from any future prosecution. So, what do I think this means with the polls? You know President Trump is going to barrel towards a win in this primary election and in the general election, as well. There was interesting reporting last night that of the candidates, the one that Joe Biden is most fearful of, in his campaign, is Donald Trump, and that was not necessarily the case months ago. So what we’ve seen is this strengthens Donald Trump’s political position, and it’s because the American people are tired of these weaponized federal agencies and that if your last name is Biden, you get to live by a different set of rules, versus if your last name is Trump, you get targeted by the these agencies."

On The Biden Family's Labyrinth of LLCs: 

"I do believe that there are more LLCs directly linked to Joe Biden and here’s why. Because this White House has been stonewalling all of our requests for additional documentation. And we need to follow these facts all the way to the top if that’s where it leads. And I will tell you, Lawrence, it’s because of House Republicans' majority that we’ve been able to uncover this, doing our constitutionally required duty of doing this investigation and oversight. It’s only because of Republicans and our work that we know about, the twenty, what I believe is illegal LLCs of money laundering and, frankly, pay for play of the Biden Administration. Much of that came in when Joe Biden was Vice President. So, we need to have all of the facts. The American people deserve nothing less, transparency is important in democracies. And we’re going to continue to deliver that. So, I always say follow the facts, and the LLCs are facts. The money flow are facts, and we’re going to continue to do that."
