Saratoga, N.Y. - Congresswoman Elise Stefanik released the below statement after Department of Defense (DoD) Secretary Lloyd Austin sent a letter to the House and Senate Armed Services Committees opposing Stefanik’s provision in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) establishing a requirement for the DoD to construct an East Coast Missile Defense Site at Fort Drum by 2030.

“It is unacceptable yet unsurprising that the Biden-Harris Administration is opposed to my bipartisan provision in the National Defense Authorization Act which will strengthen our homeland missile defense architecture by requiring the completion of a third U.S. missile defense site by 2030. 

Due to the feckless weakness of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on the world stage, the abilities of our adversaries to threaten our homeland have grown significantly. Iran is getting closer to achieving intercontinental ballistic missile capabilities, North Korea continues to test long range missiles, Communist China is expanding its nuclear arsenal, and Russia threatens to use nuclear weapons against America. 

We need to bolster our homeland missile defense and this must begin with the construction of a third missile defense site at Fort Drum, the designated location of the DoD by law. Instead of citing made-up numbers and continuing to decimate our deterrence, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, and Kirsten Gillibrand should work to include this critical provision in the NDAA to protect the United States homeland.”

In June 2024, Stefanik led a provision in the Servicemembers Quality Of Life Improvement and National Defense Authorization Act for FY25 to establish a requirement for the Department of Defense to construct an East Coast Missile Defense Site at Fort Drum, New York to be completed by 2030. Earlier that month, Stefanik voted to pass the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for FY2025 which includes Stefanik’s language for a $10 million increase in funds for the Missile Defense Agency (MDA)’s planning and design of an East Coast Missile Defense site at Fort Drum. She also sent a letter to MDA Director Lieutenant General Heath Collins reinforcing this Congressional intent. 

In April 2024, Stefanik demanded that the Director of the MDA use the $10 million Congresswoman Stefanik secured via the FY24 National Defense Authorization Act to begin the planning and design of a third missile defense site at Fort Drum. 

In April 2023, Stefanik secured a public commitment from Vice Admiral Jon Hill, the former Director of the MDA, for this development during her questioning at a Strategic Forces Subcommittee Hearing.

In March 2023, Stefanik secured support from General Mark Milley, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on the strategic benefit of the construction of a third homeland missile defense site at Fort Drum. 
